Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Tarantella with Papa John

My dad has introduced Brady to "The Tarantella" and they have a really cute tradition of waving napkins, tissues, anything that they can find when the song comes on. They play the song in the car, at home, etc. It is absolutely adorable.... I was fortunate enough to capture this precious moment between the two of them....

Brady Discovers the Redneck Doggie Door...

When Coco was a puppy, she ran through the bottom portion of our screened door that leads from the screened porch to our deck. We had always considered a doggie door, but had not found the right type to fit this door. When Coco broke through the screen, we just decided to leave it...heck it was a really cheap option!!! So 4 years later the "Redneck Doggie Door" is still there.

Unfortunately, Brady discovered it the other day and I was lucky enough to capture his cute discovery. I always have my camera handy. His expression when he makes it to the "outside" was priceless. We continue to love to watch his many new discoveries...


Brady is doing really well with his transition to toddler food. We have made one discovery...he absolutely looves pizza and the crust makes a great teething toy!!! He was completely covered head to toe in pizza - it was alot of fun!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Hark the Herald Angel Sings....

Julia came home the other day excited that she had been given the part of the "Herald Angel" in the class play. She also informed me that the teacher said I had to make her costume. Those who know me well, know that I can't even sew a to come of her in the play and my fabulous creation!!! :)

Formula Free....

The Scott family has reached another more formula. We are so happy to be done with the cost of formula and to have to make bottles on a daily basis! Brady has transitioned really well. He just woke up this morning, I poured whole milk in his bottle, shook it up in front of him to make him think it was his formula and he drank it all! Now on to the sippy cup and fully off of baby food.... The big joke is now I can get back to drinking "good" wine as we will be saving close to $100 a month now :)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Brady's First Christmas....

An excerpt from our Adoption Blog below written back in August of on the lookout for the holiday weeks to come...there may be a picture or two of Brady with his stocking!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

And One More Makes Four.....
Julia's 1st Christmas, Jen bought "4" matching stockings from Pottery Barn that could be embroidered with each family members name. She loved them so much and knew that PB typically does not carry the same items from year to year, so she decided to buy one extra. For 6 years, she has unpacked the holiday items, passed over the lone stocking with "no embroidered name on it" and wondered if it would ever be claimed. soon will be claimed. We have decided to adopt a baby from Russia. We have always felt that we were meant to be atleast a family of four. After many years of trying to conceive a second child, a miscarriage, multiple visits and procedures with a fertility specialist and a round of invitro, we have decided to adopt.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Working Mom....

"I don't like my mom working...sometimes she freaks out. Last week she told me to clean my room or I was fired!!"

This week was my first full week back to work. This was definitely a harder transition than with Julia. I had really enjoyed my three months on leave bonding with Brady. Not to mention, he was at such a fun age. It was also harder for me because I put my heart and soul into bringing Brady home. We have not shared the many obstacles that we faced in our journey to Russia with many people (in the grand scheme of things this is trivial), however, it definitely took alot out of Dave and I mentally and physically. So for this part of my journey to be coming to an end is tough. However, I look forward to the many memories that are to come with this new found love in my life:) Fortunately I was able to experience many of Brady's firsts : first word "Mama", first steps and first tooth. Time has really flown by as it seems like yesterday that I was at Myrtle Beach on vacation filling out our initial Adoption registration forms!! WOW!

This first week has definitely proven to be a juggling act as we shuffle two kids out the door, do carpool, make lunches and bottles, layout school uniforms and sports uniforms, go to doctor's appointments and make sure that Julia has what she needs for soccer, tennis and her drama class...oh and we can't forget sweet Coco...she must be fed!!! The good news is we are managing.

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